
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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One of the major challenges in biology is the correct identification of promoter regions. Computational methods based on motif searching have been the traditional approach taken. Studies have shown that DNA structural properties, such as free energy, curvature, and stress-induced duplex destabilization (SIDD) are useful in promoter classification, as well. In this paper, these properties were compared for their effectiveness in correctly classifying promoters. When using a decision tree for promoter classification based on DNA structural properties, SIDD showed a slight improvement over free energy and curvature, with f-score values 70.9%, 67.1%, and 61.5%, respectively.

About the Authors

Carmen Wright
Department of Mathematics, Jackson State University
United States

Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Jackson, MS

J. Kaur
Mississippi Valley State University
United States

Graduate Student, Bioinformatics Program

Itta Bena, MS

A. S. Newsome
Mississippi Valley State University
United States

Ph.D, Director of Bioinformatics and Associate Professor

Itta Bena, MS

Charles Bland
Mississippi Valley State University
United States

Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Itta Bena, MS


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For citations:

Wright C., Kaur J., Newsome A.S., Bland Ch. A COMPARISON OF METHODS FOR CLASSIFYING PROMOTER REGIONS IN E. COLI BASED ON STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF DNA. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(2):6-10.

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