
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The peculiarity of the Central Asian region is that model other integration associations cannot be transferred mechanically, requiring intensive study and adaptation.The integration should be the development of trade, economic collaboration, and the availability of complete and secure the common market.

It needs to meet the needs of domestic producers and create conditions for industrial activities in the common economic space.The main activities of the Central Asian region should be the establishment of a mechanism of inter-state relations taking into account the world experience of integration doctrines.

Regional integration of Central Asian states is characterized by the proximity and interaction of national economies and regional economic groups. The Central Asian countries, which have chosen the path of integration as a modern example of link integration in Central Asia with the objective need as territorial integrity, and the most important sectors of the economy.To identify weaknesses in the integration of the Central Asian countries it is needed to study it in accordance with the conditions and prerequisites for international economic integration. The process of integration in the region is very slow.This is for several reasons, including a variety of models of reforming of economy and political systems. The diversity of the economy and political systems, national interests and orientations in the international arena is still higher than the integration process.

About the Authors

K. N. Mamirova
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University

Cand. Sci. (Рedagogу), Prof. (acting)


Sh. M. Nadirov
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi

Dr. Sci. (Рedagogу), Professor


M. B. Sagatova
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University

MSc student 6М060900- Geography



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For citations:

Mamirova K.N., Nadirov Sh.M., Sagatova M.B. INTEGRATION OF THE CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(2):26-33. (In Kazakh)

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