
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article considers the content and types of activity of general education organizations in the formation of functional literacy of students.Enhancing the functional credibility of the crony is a fundamental process of learning. In Kazakhstan, the post-soviet space has been developed by the National plan of action for the development of functional citizens of the year 2012-2016, which envisages the effective development of the catalysts of competitiveness, accredited in real life situations.The strategic objectives of the decision-making process are to make the most of the strategic objectives of the industry, to promote the creativity of creativity and to achieve unassailable solutions, to choose the professional way of choosing, to study in the life of all the basic principles of life.The strategic objectives of the decision-making process are to make the most of the tasks of the industry, to promote the creativity of creativity and to achieve unassailable solutions, to choose the professional way of choosing, to be taught in the life of all the basic functional qualities of the individual.The main role of the school and the colleges in shaping the functional qualifications is that the process of instilling instruction in the organizational formation of nonviolentness of the learning process of functional credibility of the crooked ones is underlined. Worked on the analysis of the work, the development of functional grammar in the family and the teaching of the theory of practice, and on the basis of the training, based on the essence of the reflection of the excellence of the system of assessment.

About the Authors

K. T. Medeubaeva
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof. (acting)


D. K. Sadirbekova
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

Master of еducation, senior teacher



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For citations:

Medeubaeva K.T., Sadirbekova D.K. PEDAGOGICAL VALUE OF FUNCTIONAL LITERACY IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF KNOWLEDGE. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(2):100-105. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)