
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Only with logically correct thinking and understanding, we distinguish between cause-and-effect relationships, dependence on each other, the origin and path of development of things around us. The process of logically correct thinking expands the student's ability to treat his assumptions skeptically and critically, thereby deepening and expanding his understanding of the world, existence and being. The logical process is the result of scientific knowledge of the world, memorization of objects and phenomena of the external world in the human brain, consideration of the correct forms and laws, rules of this image. Logical methods of thinking cannot be formed independently from the day children come to school, for this the teacher must lay the foundations of logical knowledge and skills. It is necessary to work out the material, describing each action taking into account the age capabilities of children, hence the use of a large number of logical tasks in teaching is an important factor in quality learning. And the assimilation of logical techniques, forms of thinking, concepts, judgments to primary school students by conclusions is provided by the primary school program. This article discusses the pedagogical prerequisites for performing a system of tasks in the main subjects of primary school as a way of forming logical thinking skills of younger schoolchildren, skills and means of practical study of logical concepts.

About the Authors

Sh. Sh. Ontuganova
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Shynar Sh. Ontuganova, doctoral student of the  specialty 6D010200 – Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy


A. Zhapbarov
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Amangeldy Zhapbarov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor



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For citations:

Ontuganova Sh.Sh., Zhapbarov A. FORMATION OF LOGICAL THINKING AND SPEECH SKILLS OF ELEMENTARY CLASS STUDENTS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):31-41. (In Kazakh)

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