
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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There is a significant increase in the number of children who do not have developed writing and reading skills among primary school students. "Specific" violation of written speech, that is, dysgraphy, is a serious obstacle to the development of the school curriculum by primary school students, which does not allow at a certain point in time to fully master the educational program in a number of academic subjects, so the identification and correction of dysgraphy is one of the urgent problems. The article examines the writing process from a neuropsychological point of view and highlights the special stages of the writing process. The definitions given by the authors in connection with the violation of the writing process are analyzed, the classification of dysgraphy is briefly described, the importance of timely detection of violations of written speech and the development of appropriate correctional work taking into account the neuropsychological approach is emphasized, modern manifestations and promising areas of the study of dysgraphy are considered based on the analysis of theoretical sources. Defining the concept of "innovation", the significance of one of the innovative approaches to the correction of dysgraphy – the use of cerebellar stimulation-is described, that is, the models of performing exercises in the" balametrics " complex are shown. The article describes the methodology and results of the ascertaining and formative experience conducted on the basis of the analysis of errors that occur in the writing of primary school students studying in the Kazakh language.

About the Authors

A. K. Kalieva
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Aigerim K. Kalieva, 2nd year Master's student of specialty 7M01901 - " Defectology», Department of Special and Social Pedagogy, Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology


S. Zh. Omirbek
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Saltanat Zh. Omirbek,  Сand. Sci. (Philology), Senior lecturer, Department of Special and Social Pedagogy, Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology



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For citations:

Kalieva A.K., Omirbek S.Zh. INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES OF CORRECTION OF DYSGRAPHY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):42-53. (In Kazakh)

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