
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article considers the essence of the concept of mental activity, analyzes the problem of human thinking, shows the role of building tasks in the formation of mental activity of secondary school students. The main feature of the construction tasks is that they develop search skills for solving problems, introduce them to feasible independent research, contribute to the development of geometric representations and the processing of knowledge, skills, thereby strengthening not only the applied orientation of geometry teaching, but also the polytechnic one. Construction tasks do not allow a formal approach to them, they create a problematic situation that needs to be solved, as a result of which the level of mental activity increases. Pedagogical experience shows that due to lack of time, teachers do not see the need to return to the construction tasks, and school textbooks pay little attention to the construction tasks, so elective classes and elective seminars on this topic are necessary. The optimal number of classes should be 10 hours, especially for grades 7-9. The authors tested their own methodology (ascertaining, forming and control stages) among students of the 7th grade of one of the schools in Uralsk.

About the Authors

A. A. Kulzhumieva
Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Aiman A. Kulzhumieva, associate professor, Cand. Sci. (Physics&Math), Dean of the Faculty


A. T. Bekmagambetova
Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Albina T. Bekmagambetova, Second-year master's student



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For citations:

Kulzhumieva A.A., Bekmagambetova A.T. CONSTRUCTION TASKS AS A MEANS OF FORMING METHODS OF THINKING ACTIVITY. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):115-126. (In Russ.)

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