
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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This study aims to create a classifier using machine learning methods that determine the psychological type of people based on the text published on social networks according to the Myers-Briggs Type Index classification. The article is based on the implementation of automation of the task of determining the personality type using machine learning, with an explanation for determining the characteristics of a person using the MBTI personality indicator. The methods of logistic regression, random forest and support vector machines were used, and a literary analysis of similar works was carried out. The article presents the progress of research work and the results of each classifier, as well as an analysis of the approaches used. In the context of the current quarantine restrictions, such studies can be of great help in the selection of personnel in companies due to the transition of people to an online format of work, since the study involves determining the personal qualities of people based on their posts in social networks. In this paper, the most effective machine learning algorithms for the Kazakh language, which are simple to use and do not require a lot of computing power, were used and, accordingly, the results of the work for each method were presented, among these methods, the accuracy and reliability of the classifier for the Kazakh language by the method of support vectors were at a good level.

About the Authors

A. Z. Sunnatilla
al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Assel Z. Sunnatilla, master’s degree in Computer science, Department of Informatics, faculty of information technologies

050026, Karasay batyr, 156

E. S. Nurakhov
al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Edil S. Nurakhov, PhD, senior lecturer of Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information Technology

050026, Karasay batyr, 156

A. A. Myngzhassar
al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Akniyet A. Myngzhassar, master’s degree in Computer science, Department of Informatics, faculty of information technologies

050026, Karasay batyr, 156


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For citations:

Sunnatilla A.Z., Nurakhov E.S., Myngzhassar A.A. IDENTIFICATION OF MBTI (MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDEX) HUMAN TYPE USING TEXT ON SOCIAL NETWORKS BASED MACHINE LEARNING. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):136-144. (In Kazakh)

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