
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article emphasizes the importance of conceptual study of terms that have linguistic meaning. In particular, one of the concepts reflecting the worldview of the Kazakh people was the concept of "amanat". For the cognitive disclosure of the concept of amanat, it is necessary to give a binary oppositional pair formed by the concept of "kiyanat" (abuse, violence), through which it is possible to determine the meaning of the concept of amanat for the people. To determine the application of the concept of amanat in the XIX-XX centuries, work was carried out with sources of that period, for example, the concept of amanat, found in the works of the traveler F. A. Fielstrup, the historian E. Bekmakhanov, describing that time, reflects the worldview of the people, as well as the analysis of proverbs and sayings that are firmly entrenched in the minds of the people, is widely reflected in this article. Kiyanat is widely discussed as a concept denoting violence, injustice, imperiousness and arbitrariness committed by a person when it is believed that the moral qualities of the offended person are destroyed. The concept of kiyanat forms a binary oppositional pair to the concept of amanat, hence we have grouped the types of abuse against a person, violence against oneself - an insult to the senses, lies, rude speech as an insult to the language. To determine how deeply modern society understands the concepts of amanat and kiyanat, a sociological survey was conducted, the results of which are presented in this work.

About the Authors

E. N. Dungenbay
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Elmira N. Dungenbay, Master's student, Department of Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics, Institute of Philology


Zh. K. Otarbekova
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Zhamilya K. Otarbekova, Cand. Sci. (Philology), Acting  Professor, Head of the Department “Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Linguistics”, Institute of Philology


Z. Kaymaz
Ege University

Zeki Kaymaz, Professor,  Department of Turkic language and Polish dialects, Institute of Turkic World Studies



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For citations:

Dungenbay E.N., Otarbekova Zh.K., Kaymaz Z. THE CONCEPTS OF AMANAT AND KIYANAT AS OPPOSITION. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):147-157. (In Kazakh)

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