
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The concept of the study is determined by the understanding of the structure of the Kazakh traditional women's costume as a multifunctional socio-cultural phenomenon. The national costume, which is a system of socially significant deeply symbolic signs, is considered in this article as a model of competent design, which contributes to the improvement of design thinking and professional competencies of students-designers in the process of studying the discipline “Ethno-design”. Special attention is paid to the potential of traditional costume in the process of developing the research skills necessary for future specialists to correctly read the original source and design on its basis popular and competitive author's collections that combine tradition and innovation, and scientific projects for the preservation, modernization and popularization of folk values. In addition, the experience of national design is studied in order to understand the ability of the costume complex to reflect and shape the worldview, material and spiritual culture of the people. The information hidden in its compositional and constructive solution is valuable for modern design activities, which, in turn, have a great influence on the ideology of society and, therefore, should be aware of the high responsibility for generating new ideas and transforming the world, based on universal values.

About the Authors

Т. М. Aldanayeva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Tomiris M. Aldanayeva, Master’s student of the specialty «7М02118 – Design. Fashion design»

Almaty, 050010, Dostyk Avenue, 13

N. А. Mikhailova
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Natalia A. Mikhailova, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor

Almaty, 050010, Dostyk Avenue, 13


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For citations:

Aldanayeva Т.М., Mikhailova N.А. THE SPECIFICS OF THE KAZAKH WOMEN’S TRADITIONAL COSTUME IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ DESIGN THINKING. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):191-198.

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