
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article discusses the importance and relevance of managing the process of professional development of young teachers in the country. The process of adapting a teacher to the profession and becoming a specialist is characterized as one of the most important stages. The purpose of the study was to create motivation to stay in school and improve their professional skills by managing an important moment in the life of a teacher. In accordance with the research topic, the analysis of the scientific literature was carried out. In order to identify the difficulties that a graduate of a pedagogical institution faces when employmed at school, a survey was conducted and it was found out what motives can serve as a reason for further development in an educational organization as a teacher. Based on the collected data, methods and techniques for managing the process of professional development of young teachers on the basis of personnel management were proposed. The specific ways of replenishment of school personnel by young specialists, specific features and ways of training qualified, educated specialists-teachers are shown. Specific methods and ways of strengthening their professional skills and experience have been identified. The methods of educating young specialists as professionally seasoned, real teachers capable of management are proposed.

About the Authors

D. B. Zhulamanova
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay

master of Pedagogical Sciences


A. K. Zhulamanov
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay

master of Business Administration (MBA) 



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For citations:

Zhulamanova D.B., Zhulamanov A.K. MANAGING THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG TEACHERS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(3):6-16. (In Kazakh)

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