
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Speaking about empirical approaches to the study of the socio-psychological adaptation of students with visual impairments (hereinafter referred to as SPAVI), it is necessary to proceed from the understanding that the very process of adaptation for students with the indicated health limitations is the basic process of social and mental development of the individual. In addition, this process is constant in terms of active adaptation of students with visual impairments to the environment in which they integrate and interact in it. In this regard, the relevance and significance of empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI is determined by their position and the degree of formation of the ability to be included in the life of the microsocium in which they are socialized and to occupy a full-fledged creative "membership" in it. The article identifies and characterizes the main empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI. The identification of the types of approaches is given in the author's concept-interpretation. Within the framework of each identified approach, the author defines a range of indicators that make it possible to draw up the most complete picture of the socio-psychological adaptation of students in higher educational institutions. The author concludes that that the support of the SPAVI process on the basis of the identified approaches will effectively contribute to the development of a high level of self-actualization and social activity of this category of students.

About the Author

M. D. Kungurtseva
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbacheva
Russian Federation

 Senior Lecturer

 Russia, Kemerovo, 650000, Vesenniaya St., 28 


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For citations:

Kungurtseva M.D. BASIC EMPIRICAL APPROACHES TO STUDYING SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(3):17-25. (In Russ.)

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