
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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 The article deals with the relevant problem of educational and methodological support for EFL teaching for students of language specialties in Belarusian universities. The article presents an overview of the methodological textbooks covering the content of the discipline “First Foreign Language” for the specialty 1-21 05 06 “Romance and Germanic philology”, prepared by the lecturers of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University. The article describes the structural features of educational and methodological textbooks, their thematic and informative content. Various types  of exercises (language exercises, conditional speech exercises, speech exercises) are reviewed. Examples of exercises used in different sections (such as Topical Vocabulary, Lead-in, Focus on Reading, Focus on Vocabulary, Focus on Idioms, Focus on Listening, Focus on Speaking, Focus on Writing, Project, etc.) are provided. The article draws conclusions about the importance of adapting EFL textbooks for students of language specialties in Belarusian universities in  accordance with the communicative approach and programme documentation. 

About the Authors

P. A. Gubich
Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University

 lecturer of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Belarus, Mogilev, 212022, 1-421. Kosmonavtov street;  

K. O. Klimut
Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University

 lecturer of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Belarus, Mogilev, 212022, 1-421. Kosmonavtov street 


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2. Ibna Seraj P.M., Hadina H. (2021) A Systematic overview of issues for developing EFL learners’ oral English communication skills. Journal of Language and Education, 7(1), 229–240.

3. Vasilenko E.N., Ivanov E.E., Shesterneva A.N. (2020) Angliyskiy yazyk. Razvitie navykov ustnoy i pis'mennoy rechi. [Developing Speaking and Writing Skills: uchebnoe posobie: v 2 ch.] Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. Ch. 1. 348 s. (in Russ.)47

4. Vasilenko E.N., Ivanov E.E., Shesterneva A.N. (2020) Angliyskiy yazyk. Razvitie navykov ustnoy i pis'mennoy rechi. [Developing Speaking and Writing Skills: uchebnoe posobie: v 2 ch.] Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. Ch. 2. 232 s. (in Russ.)

5. Golyakevich N.D., Zubriy S.P., Ivanov E.E. (2019) Prakticheskaya grammatika angliyskogo yazyka: morfologiya. [English Grammar: Morphology: uchebnoe posobie]. Minsk: RIVSh, 2019. 268 s. (in Russ.)

6. Vasilenko E.N., Glukhan'ko L.V., Ringevich V.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2018) Osnovnoy inostrannyy yazyk. Praktika rechi: sport: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. [The main foreign language. Speech practice: Sport: an educational and methodological guide]. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 104 s. (in Russ.)

7. Vasilenko E.N., Glukhan'ko L.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2018) Praktika rechi: Bolezni ХХІ v.: ucheb.- metod. posobie. [Speech practice: 21st Century Diseases: an educational and methodological guide]. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 88 s. (in Russ.)

8. Vasilenko E.N., Glukhan'ko L.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2018) Praktika rechi: Zabota o zdorov'e = Speech practice: Healthcare: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 96 s. (in Russ.)

9. Vasilenko E.N., Shesterneva A.N. (2018) Praktika rechi: Lichnost' = Speech practice: Person and Personality: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 148 s. (in Russ.)

10. Vasilenko E.N., Ringevich V.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2019) Praktika rechi: Otdykh i dosug. Puteshestviya = Speech practice: Recreation & Leisure. Travelling: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 108 s. (in Russ.)

11. Vasilenko E.N., Glukhan'ko L.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2019) Praktika rechi: Rabota = Speech practice: Jobs: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 104 s.

12. Vasilenko E.N., Ringevich V.V., Shesterneva A.N. (2019) Praktika rechi: U karty mira. Gorodskaya zhizn' = Speech practice: World Map. City Life: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 132 s. (in Russ.)

13. Glukhan'ko L.V. (2020) Osnovnoy inostrannyy yazyk. Uroven' 1. Praktika rechi. Leksika: pravil'nyy vybor slova = English Speech Practice. Level 1. Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 68 s. (in Russ.)

14. Glukhan'ko L.V. (2021) Osnovnoy inostrannyy yazyk. Uroven' 2. Praktika rechi. Leksika: pravil'nyy vybor slova = English Speech Practice. Level 2 Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 64 s. (in Russ.)

15. Glukhan'ko L.V. (2020) Osnovnoy inostrannyy yazyk. Uroven' 3. Praktika rechi. Leksika: pravil'nyy vybor slova = English Speech Practice. Level 3. Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 64 s. (in Russ.)

16. Glukhan'ko L.V., Golyakevich N.D., Zubriy S.P., Ivanov E.E. (2017) Prakticheskaya grammatika angliyskogo yazyka: nelichnye formy glagola = Practical English Grammar: Verbals: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 168 s. (in Russ.)

17. Golyakevich N.D., Zubriy S.P. (2016) Prakticheskaya grammatika angliyskogo yazyka: morfologiya: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 228 s. (in Russ.)

18. Golyakevich N.D., Zubriy S.P. (2019) Prakticheskaya grammatika angliyskogo yazyka: elementarnyy uroven' = Practical English Grammar: Elementary Level: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 68 s. (in Russ.)

19. Ivanov E.E., Petrushevskaya Yu.A. (2017) Kursovye raboty po yazykoznaniyu (frazeologiya, paremiologiya, aforistika angliyskogo yazyka): ucheb.-metod. posobie. Mogilev: MGU im. A. A. Kuleshova. 204 s. (in Russ.)

20. Ivanov E.E., Petrushevskaya Yu.A. (2019) Proiskhozhdenie i istoriya angliyskikh poslovits = The Etymology and History of English Proverbs: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 80 s. (in Russ.)

21. Kniga Yu.A. (2019) Praktika rechi: Zhil'e = Speech practice: Housing and accommodation: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 76 s. (in Russ.)

22. Petrushevskaya Yu.A. (2019) Osnovnoy inostrannyy yazyk. Uroven' 1: Prakticheskaya fonetika: vvodno-korrektivnyy kurs = First foreign language. Level 1: Practical Phonetics: Introductory Course: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 116 s. (in Russ.)

23. Yakubova V.Yu. (2019) Praktika rechi: Pitanie = Speech Practice: Food and Meals: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie. Mogilev: MGU imeni A. A. Kuleshova. 116 s. (in Russ.)

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For citations:

Gubich P.A., Klimut K.O. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR EFL TEACHING IN BELARUSIAN UNIVERSITIES. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(3):41-49.

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