
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article shows the importance of the system of assessing the knowledge of students in English lessons through the introduction of modern assessment technologies. Attention is focused on the importance of the assessment stage as a fundamental one in the educational process system. The author emphasizes that the assessment method is not only a way to diagnose students ' academic performance, but also an effective tool for improving the quality of the educational process as a whole. In this regard, the activity of an English teacher in the application of popular, scientifically based assessment systems is the key to achieving the ultimate goal – to be the main motivator and teach a child a foreign language. In addition, this approach to the organization of the lesson allows you to increase the activity of students as objects of pedagogical influence. It is also emphasized that the assessment method is not only a method of diagnosing student performance, but also an effective means of improving the quality of general education. The article discusses in detail such types of criteria assessment as formative assessment, summative assessment, diagnostic assessment and feedback. Each approach is characterized by its significance and specificity in the educational process.

About the Author

A. Salamat
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

 2nd year master's student of specialty 6M011900- Foreign language: Two foreign languages



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For citations:

Salamat A. MODERN CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS' KNOWLEDGE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(3):58-66. (In Kazakh)

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