
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article describes in detail the identity and the motive of Kazakh mourning called ‘zhoqtau’. The factual data and justifications on the utterance, publication of lamentations are given. Specific ideas about the history of the origin, the motive of singing, the essence and content of each lamentation are presented. We stopped at the originality of this type of oral writing, which is transmitted in verse form with a sad motive. It provides concrete examples and facts about the virtues and moral actions of the deceased person. Great importance is attached to the content and artistry of lamentations. The specifics of zhoqtau pronunciation are also described. Deep meaningful descriptions are given about the unique qualities of the deceased, about the good that he did for his child, about the morality that he left to posterity. The song of crying reveals the human sides that distinguish the deceased from others. It is a symbol of respect for the deceased. Its purpose is to show the people the good deeds and works of the deceased, regardless of his age. The importance of mourning is to perpetuate the memory of him, to leave his works and traces that he left as a legacy to the next generations.

About the Author

K. A. Zhakybaeva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Kalipa A. Zhakibayeva - proofreader-specialist, Department of Monitoring of scientific publications

050000, Almaty, Googol St. 114, Building 1


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For citations:

Zhakybaeva K.A. SADNESS AND GRIEF IN THE MEMORIAL SONGS OF THE KAZAKH PEOPLE. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2022;(3):46-55. (In Kazakh)

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