
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Competence-based approach as the basis of the education system for teachers of Russian language and literature


In this article, the author explores the scientific and theoretical basis for the formation of professional competencies of teachers of Russian language and literature. Highlights key competencies that will be in demand in the near future and which currently need to be taught to specialists in the education system. The author of the article pays special attention to the fact that the competency-based approach is currently acquiring particular importance in the professional training of teachers. Within the competency-based approach, two basic concepts are distinguished: competence and competency. The article provides a detailed examination of these concepts proposed by various scientists. The problem highlighted is the development of a model of competencies that will be necessary for highly effective activities of teachers of the Russian language and literature. Competency models have been developed by a significant number of authors, but Kazakhstan’s practice in this matter nevertheless indicates the presence of “blank” spots in the topic under study. As a conclusion, attention is focused on the fact that competencies in the field of education (as, indeed, in any other field) represent a sphere of conceptual understanding of reality. At the same time, educational organizations act simultaneously as integrators of activities, both as spaces and as subjects of cognitive constructions that determine the final result of the work, expressed in the professional competencies of teachers of the Russian language and literature.

About the Author

I. A. Bykova
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Irina A. Bykova – 2nd year Master's student of the "Russian language and Literature" 2nd year undergraduate student, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Institute of Philology


114 Gogol Str.


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For citations:

Bykova I.A. Competence-based approach as the basis of the education system for teachers of Russian language and literature. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(4):10-21. (In Russ.)

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