
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Psychological education as a form of development of adaptive behavior in adolescent boys with a high level of aggressiveness


                The article presents a study of the development of adaptive teenage boys’ behavior with a high level of aggressiveness. The first part offers an analysis of existing psychoeducational programs on this topic. In the second part, the results of the diagnosis of aggressive behavior of teenage boys are presented, the main blocks of the psychoeducation program are presented, which has shown effectiveness in reducing the level of aggression in psychological and pedagogical conditions specific to adolescent boys: when mastering socially acceptable forms of aggressive behavior, collective and individual reflection of aggressive behavior and aggressiveness; expanding the range of positive male images.

                The Mann-Whitney U test was used to detect differences in the manifestations of aggressiveness and adaptability at the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment.

                The result of the work was an increase in the level of adaptive behavior. The adaptive behavior of these boys is manifested in the desire to occupy leadership positions in the class; in the ability to defend their opinions, as well as in the desire to protect weaker classmates in the face of offenders. After the program, a decrease in the legitimization of various types of aggressive behavior in different spheres of society was revealed, which allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the developed program. In conclusion, the deficiencies of psychological education revealed during the implementation of the program and the directions of further work are outlined.

About the Authors

Olga I. Klyuchko
Moscow City University (MCU)
Russian Federation

Olga I. Klyuchko – Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor at Psychology Department of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education,

4, 2-nd Selskohozoyastvenny passage, Moscow, 129226

Lina G. Masterova
Educational psychologist at the “BALANCE” Charitable Foundation for Supporting People with Mental Disorders and Behavioral Disorders
Russian Federation

Lina G. Masterova – Master of Psychological and Pedagogical Education, educational psychologist,

St. Petersburg, 195197


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For citations:

Klyuchko O.I., Masterova L.G. Psychological education as a form of development of adaptive behavior in adolescent boys with a high level of aggressiveness. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2024;(1):10-22. (In Russ.)

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