
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Current issues on gender studies education in Kazakhstan


   Gender studies education in Kazakhstan is facing many challenges that impede its progress and efficacy. This paper delves into the current issues plaguing gender studies education in Kazakhstan, providing an overview of the country's educational framework. A review of the education system was undertaken from a gender perspective with a focus on the higher education level. In 2019, the Directory of gender education in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was issued by the Institute of social and gender research of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University. Using empirical data from this publication, the authors demonstrate the spreading of Gender related courses by regions, cities, universities, subjects and lecturers. Key issues discussed include analysis of national education policies and programs in Kazakhstan, with the purpose of mainstreaming gender education and providing recommendations on strengthening gender equality in Kazakhstan. By analyzing these current issues and proposing potential solutions, this paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on gender studies education and advocacy in Kazakhstan.

About the Authors

Elif Ekin Aksit
Ankara University

Elif Ekin Aksit - PhD, Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

Cemal Gürsel Caddesi, Cebeci Campus, Çankaya/Ankara.

Aizhan S. Salimzhanova
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Aizhan S. Salimzhanova – Master of economic sciences, director of the Center for social and gender studies, 

Office 314, Main building -1, 114 Gogol St., Almaty, 050000.


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For citations:

Aksit E.E., Salimzhanova A.S. Current issues on gender studies education in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2024;(1):23-34.

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