
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Using interdisciplinary connections in physics lessons


The article discusses methods for establishing interdisciplinary connections in a physics lesson. These connections play an important role in improving the practical and scientific-theoretical training of students. Interdisciplinary communication helps students develop a holistic understanding of natural phenomena and their relationships, makes knowledge meaningful and practical, and helps students use knowledge and skills learned in some subjects to learn other subjects. The authors analyzed various ways of combining physical knowledge through the connection of scientific disciplines of natural science and provided examples that contribute to a deeper understanding of physical phenomena. The article discusses the types of interdisciplinary connections; the activity of the teacher and student in establishing interdisciplinary communication, the effectiveness of interdisciplinary communication, and conclusions based on the results of the study are presented. The research work was carried out in the city of Astana, school-lyceum № 53 named after B. Momyshuly. During the experiment, methods are analyzed that contribute to the formation of an integrated approach to learning, as well as increasing the enthusiasm of students. During the study, the importance of interdisciplinary communication was taken into account, special tasks were identified for the development of critical thinking of students, general and intermediate goals of the study, and final recommendations were prepared. The results of the study guide subject teachers to compose interdisciplinary assignments in accordance with the school curriculum, to generalize the integrity of some theories and principles between disciplines, and to establish interdisciplinary connections between fundamental sciences.

About the Authors

G. M. Aralbayeva
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Gulnara M. Aralbaуeva – PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Physics,

010000, Astana, Kazhymukhan Street, 13. 

A. D. Akylbekova
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Aiman D. Akylbekova – PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Physics, 

010000, Astana, Kazhymukhan Street, 13. 

T. B. Anarbekov
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Russian Federation

Temirlan B. Anarbekov - 3rd year student,

010000, Astana, Kazhymukhan Street, 13. 


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For citations:

Aralbayeva G.M., Akylbekova A.D., Anarbekov T.B. Using interdisciplinary connections in physics lessons. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2024;(1):48-59. (In Kazakh)

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