
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The need to update the content of geographical education in higher education is due to the need to take into account new criteria for evaluating education. At present, the results of education are not the knowledge and skills, but the levels of students' abilities to solve educational and life tasks (life skills and competences). In the study, the basis for the formation of the content of geographical education is considered from the position of the following principles and provisions: scientific nature; interdisciplinary nature; humanization of education; globality and regionality; ecological approach; problem solving; consistency and integrity. In the above-mentioned aspect, the mission of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University is to create a complex of scientific, pedagogical and organizational and methodological conditions that provide students with geographical education based on the unity of educational, scientific, educative and innovative processes taking into account international experience. In this regard, the goal of the department of geography and tourism is associated with the training of qualified geographers with dynamic professionalism, socio-professional competencies and capable of effective implementation of innovations in the field of geographical education, science and production.

About the Author

K. N. Mamirova
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

Cand. Sci. (Geography), acting Professor


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For citations:

Mamirova K.N. CONTENT OF GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION AS A BASIS FOR PREPARING FUTURE EXPERTS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(1):25-32. (In Russ.)

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