
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article considers the artistic power and peculiarities of the aphorisms of Kazakh poets and writers, It is a rare and original genre of literature.This article is about the aphorisms - the most popular genre among poet writers, i.e. about the beauty, deepness of words, construction and power of aphorisms. XXI century is the century of technologies and digital age, but despite this century of books is already vital for moral development. Also, short, understandable aphorisms, maxims that can describe the big and deep idea in two words were always interesting for every reader.

About the Authors

L. M. Adilbekova
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

Cand.Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor


M. B. Kopesbaeva
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

MA student



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For citations:

Adilbekova L.M., Kopesbaeva M.B. ABOUT THE SMALL GENRE OF LITERATURE. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(1):85-89. (In Kazakh)

Views: 372

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)