
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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There is a gap in the living standards between urban and rural population in Kazakhstan, which increased even more in the recent years. Women are more likely to suffer from social and economic inequalities. Authors aimed to make a comparative study of the living standards of urban and rural women and social practices of their adaptation to the market conditions. Unfortunately, Kazakhstan’s government commitments concerning urban development, improvements in urban infrastructure and access to basic services have not referenced fully determination of gender issues. We strongly believe that the deficiencies in basic infrastructure affect both women and men, and the design of urban development projects should aim to identify those differential impacts more precisely. Attention should be paid to such factors as how access to basic services correlates with economic status, the roles played by women and men in finding alternatives when services are deficient, and how particularly women stand to benefit from improved infrastructure.

About the Authors

Aizhan Salimzhanova
Kazakh State Women‘s Teacher Training University

PhD candidate in Economics, Acting director of Scientific and research Institute for social and gender studie


Ipek Ilkkaracan
Istanbul Technical University

Prof. Dr. of Economics



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For citations:

Salimzhanova A., Ilkkaracan I. REVIEW OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AND URBAN WOMEN IN KAZAKHSTAN. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2018;(1):91-96.

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