
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article presents an analysis of the lesson «Stretch Plastic». This is a subject, whose purpose is to stretch the muscles of the body, developing the plastic abilities of the dancer's body. The subject «Stretch Plastic» is included in the training of choreography teachers at the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. The main purpose of this article is to identify the features, tasks of individual exercises included in the curriculum of the subject ―Stretch Plastic‖ and their influence on the dance skills of performers by an analytical method. In conclusion, we have highlighted the basic rules of stretch plastics. Observing them can achieve a positive result in the classroom. The authors also noted the effect of stretching on the dancers' movement skills.

About the Authors

A. S. Mikheenko
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

student of the department of choreography and cultural and leisure work


I. R. Aukhadiev
Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University

Master of Arts, teacher of the department of choreography and cultural and leisure work



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For citations:

Mikheenko A.S., Aukhadiev I.R. METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF «STRETCH PLASTIC» LESSONS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(1):299-303. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)