
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article examines the actual problem of the functioning in the modern Kazakh variety of the richest traditions of song performance, existence in the repertoire of well-known vocal groups, ensembles, trio-duets, and other collectives of ethno-folklore tendencies. As a result of creative search there was a synthesis of stage art with ethnic music as well as European folk songs. Such genres as terme, zheldіrme enriched with expressive colors, enhancing the emotional impact on the audience, deepening the national color, revealing the tembral potential of the music, found a new stage life.

About the Author

S. K. Maigaziyev
T.K.Zhurgenov Kazakh national academy of arts

PhD doctoral student


1. Классикалық зерттеулер. Ранние предпосылки казахского музыкознания. Алматы: «Әдебиет Әлемі», 2013 – 488 б. XIV том. Кіріспе. С.Күзембай. -5-22 бб.

2. Затаевич А.В. 1000 песен Казахского народа. Алматы: «Дайк Пресс», 2004 – 496 с.

3. Затаевич А. Қазақтың 500 ән, күйі. Алматы: М.О.Әуезов атындағы Әдебиет және өнер институты, 2007. – 1136 б.

4. Кітапша. Ән еркесі. Естеліктер, мақалалар, зерттеулер. Алматы: «Өнер», 1990. -144 б.

5. Музыкальная культура Казахстана. Алма-Ата: КазГосИздат, 1957.


For citations:

Maigaziyev S.K. ETHNO-FOLKLORE FOUNDATIONS OF KAZAKH STAGE ART. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(1):321-324. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)