
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Currently, an important role is given to the formation of information competence on the basis of information activities with different sources of information: both traditional and electronic.

Formation of information activity of the teacher is based on a wide range of information skills, so it is not enough to reduce them exclusively to the ability to use the computer as a technical means of training and the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process in biology. The key characteristics of information competence in a broad sense is the possession of universal methods of search (obtaining) information in the ever-expanding information field (the use of the Internet, electronic libraries, databases, etc.), selection, processing (analysis, synthesis, synthesis), storage and transmission of information.

The process of formation of information activities, which began in school, continues and gradually becomes more complicated in the system of vocational education, does not stop after graduation, because the speed of development of the information society, the intensity of the introduction of new technologies in all activities requires a constant increase in the willingness of specialists to work in the information environment.

The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness of students-biologists to perform various functional tasks of pedagogical activity and orientation in the information flow. For this purpose was the survey of students 2, 3 specialty courses 5В11300-Biology.

About the Authors

G. N. Bektemirova
Kazakh state women's pedagogical University

doctoral student


R. Sh. Izbassarova
Kazakh national pedagogical University Abai

candidate of pedagogic Sciences, Professor


N. S. Mamytova
Kazakh state women's pedagogical University

PhD, senior lecturer



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For citations:

Bektemirova G.N., Izbassarova R.Sh., Mamytova N.S. PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF INFORMATION COMPETENCE OF BIOLOGY STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(2):8-14. (In Russ.)

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