
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article deals with the novel by the famous writer Beksultan Nurzhekeuly "Ai, Dunia-ai!" dedicated to the national liberation movement of 1916. The novel describes the social situation of the time, the dispossession of the people, historical events in the Kazakh steppes. Given an explanation to the author's idea concerning these descriptions in the work. The article briefly describes each character who occupies a significant place in the novel. Special attention is paid to the style of the writer, the artistic design of the novel, exaggerations and shortcomings. One of the key features - the grammatical differences in the work, which the author considers correct spelling is explained. And also analyzes the character of the nation given by the author through the personages.

About the Author

G. B. Shaikenova
Omar Halisdemir University

PhD student of the specialty «Turkish language and literature»



1. The interview with the writer Beksultan Nurzhekeulı 2.10.2017, Almaty

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3. Nurzhekeuly B. " Ai, Dunia-ai!": Roman: - Turkey, Ankara: "Publishing house Bengu ". 2018. - 318p. (Translated into Turkish by G. Shaikenova).

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12. New national alipbi: to develop Kazakh writing (materials in media and communication)

13. The interview with the writer Beksultan Nurzhekeulı. 02.10.2017, Almaty


For citations:

Shaikenova G.B. ARTISTIC PECULARITIES OF THE NOVEL “AI, DUNIA-AY!” BY BEKSULTAN NURZHEKEULY. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(2):64-69. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)