
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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In the article, the leading approaches of the organization of the pedagogical process are shown, pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of the foundations of professionalism in defectology students in the university. The existence of graduates of defectologists with the foundations of professionalism will allow them in practice to create optimal comfortable conditions for children with special educational needs for development and education, to choose the development trajectory appropriate for the real capabilities of children, ensure the success of mastering program requirements, and the lack or smoothness of adaptation problems.

Organizational-didactic conditions for the successful formation of the foundations of professionalism in the future specialist in the field of special pedagogy should become the creation of an organized vocational and educational innovative development environment and the provision. High-quality professional practical activities of students will allow to create professional competences of future expert.

The article highlights the issues of professional training of special teachers., The experience of the offices of psychological and pedagogical correction which was opened in 2018 on the base of Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University in the implementation of the practice-oriented approach in teaching is presented.

The results of the practice-oriented approach, conducting seminar (practical) classes at the base, teaching practices, reflected in the graduate and master studies of students. The result is professional training for students with 3 courses on working with children with special educational needs.

About the Author

G. S. Orazaeva
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University

Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor



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For citations:

Orazaeva G.S. MODERN TRENDS IN THE FORMATION OF THE BASES OF PROFESSIONALISM FUTURE SPECIAL TEACHERS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(2):240-245. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)