
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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It is shown that to ensure the purity of the surface of the metals of the iron group and alloys on their basis, their preliminary preparation is carried out by chemical methods, which further provide a reliable adhesion of the galvanic coating applied in the future to the base, which is very important when creating a new generation of devices. At etching there is a dimensional processing (loosening) of a surface at which 9-10 class of a roughness is reached, and the crystal structure of a material is exposed. At the stage of polishing the surface is leveled, smoothing roughness, respectively, increases the class of treatment to 12-13. An important step in the entire production process is the surface treatment of metals, since this determines the final appearance and functionality of the product, which is determined by the quality of the applied mercury-film coating. Thus, the method of chemical preparation of the surface of the material, which includes two successive stages – etching with a solution of TR and polishing in a solution of PR, was used by us in the future as the most acceptable in the preparation of the surface of contact materials for amalgamation. The quality of the mercury coating was determined by testing its resistance to centrifugation.

About the Authors

A. S. Musina
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainig University

Dr. Sci. (Technics), Profess


G. U. Batasheva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainig University

Cand. Sci. (Agriculture), acting Professor


E. P. Gorbulicheva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Trainig University

2nd year student of specialty "Chemistry»



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For citations:

Musina A.S., Batasheva G.U., Gorbulicheva E.P. METHODS FOR CLEANING THE SURFACE OF IRON GROUP METALS AND ALLOYS BASED ON THEM BEFORE ELECTROPLATING. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(3):38-45. (In Russ.)

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