
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article aims at the review of main principles of work with gifted students, particularly with students who are trained to participate in subject Olympiads. Subject Olympiads nowadays are given less importance than it was before. However, they play a great role in the achieving the state long and short-term goals for education and development of human capital, as they help develop students’ system of values, 21st century skills and represent Kazakhstan at the world education arena. So, Olympic movement should be developed on the basis of research evidence, which will show the best ways of work with Olympic students. The authors consider the main factors leading to successful training and the main skills the students need to develop to have high achievements in the Olympiads on physics. Having considered the recommendations of local and foreign scholars on training Olympic students and analyzed more than 20-year experience of training students for different types of physics Olympiads at “Bilim-innovation” schools the authors suggest a methodology of training physics Olympic students, which proved to be effective for the educational environment they work in.

About the Authors

M. Syurmen
Astana International University

MSc student


O. V. Syurmen
Suleyman Demirel University

MA, senior lecturer



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For citations:

Syurmen M., Syurmen O.V. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING PHYSICS OLYMPIC STUDENTS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(3):63-68.

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)