
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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UPSIDE DOWN THINKING FROM WEB MEMES? What to consider when accessing web sources


This article considers the issue of false information, which has been increasingly available on the World Wide Web. This misrepresentation has engendered much distrust in populations, leading to polarized views, anger and fear, which is tearing society apart. How to evaluate information sources for judgement about their reliability and validity is crucial, particularly for impressionable students, who need a fair, unbiased perspective in their learning experiences. The fact that universities have been cracking down on ideas and materials that are unpopular amongst certain sections of society is an issue that must be addressed. Free speech has always been considered necessary for the progression of societies, but is in danger from today’s oppressive culture that cancels those whose views are not accepted.

About the Author

Rosemary Sage
Life Long Learning Trust
United Kingdom


1. Bailey, R. (2020) Quickly Evaluate a Website. WCC Library Research Guide. Retrieved 12 Dec. 2020.

2. Beck, S. (2009) The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: Or, why it’s a good idea to evaluate web sources. Retrieved 12 Dec, 2020 from

3. Civitas: Why Freedom Matters. (ed. edited by J. Williams & C. Hudson, pub. Civitas

4. Elliott, S. (2020) Here Are The Real Fake News Sites. Retrieved 12 Dec. 2020

5. Marcuse, H. (1969) An Essay on Liberation. Source:; Transcribed: by Alejandro Thamm; PDF version.

6. Web Server Survey (2020 – November) Retrieved 12 Dec.

7. Roberts, A. (2018) Churchill: Walking with Destiny. London: Allen Lane

8. Shuman,L,. Besterfield-Sacre, M. McGourty, J. (2005) The ABET “Professional Skills” – Can They Be Taught? Can They Be Assessed? Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE, Jan.

9. Tate, M. (2010). Web wisdom: How to evaluate and create information quality on the web (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group.

10. Techjury Statistics (2020) The Internet. Retrieved 12 Dec. Techjury,net

11. YouGov-Cambridge (2020) Globalism 20120 Tech Use Working Age Only All. Retrieved 12 Dec. 2020,

12. UK-SPEC (2014) The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence. The Engineering Council, third edition.

13. Willmot, P. & Colman, B. (2016) Interpersonal skills in Engineering Education, AAEE2016 CONFERENCE Coffs Harbour, Australia


For citations:

Sage R. UPSIDE DOWN THINKING FROM WEB MEMES? What to consider when accessing web sources. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(1):7-14.

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