
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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In the small and voluminous works of Turysbek Sauketayev, which represent a special type of thinking in Kazakh literature, the destinies of people and various social situations are intertwined. The writer is distinguished from others by a special style of writing and the choice of the subject of the work. The novel "I am a madman" has a high symbolic meaning. The damage caused by negativity and untruth in society to the fate of the individual, truthfulness, justice, love, etc. reveals a break in ties, contradictions between society and the individual, reflecting the devaluation of human values in the soul of the hero. The novel raises questions of humanity, the search for justice in human existence.

About the Authors

R. Z. Zaikenova
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


A. U. Sharap
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University



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3. Galperin I.R. (1981) Tekst kak objekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya. M. – 139 s. (In Russian)

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8. Shatin Yu.V. (1991) Khudozhestvennaya czelostnost` i zhanroobrazovatelnye proczessy. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Novosib. un-ta. – 189 s. (In Russian)

9. Sәuketaev T. (2017) Men – zhyndymyn // Әlimsak. # 12. (In Kazakh)

10. Majtanov B. (2009) Mukhtar Әuezov zhane ulttyk adebi urdister: zertteuler, esseler. Almaty: Zhibek zholy. – 544 b. (In Kazakh)

11. Pirәlieva G.Zh. (2003) Korkem prozadagy psikhologizmnin kejbir mәseleleri. Almaty: «Alash». – 412 b.

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13. Martynov S.A. (1997) Obraz cheloveka v literature: ot tipa k individual`nosti.Vladimir. – 248 s. (In Russian)

14. Kunanbaev A. (1994) Shygarmalar. Almaty: Mor baspasy. (In Kazakh)

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17. Zhirmunskij V.M. (2004) Vvedenie v literaturovedenie. Kurs lekczij. Moskva: Vyssh. shk. – 408 s. (In Russian)


For citations:

Zaikenova R.Z., Sharap A.U. PROBLEMS OF MODERN TIMES IN TURYSBEK SAUKETAYEV’S NOVEL "I AM A MADMAN". Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(1):115-123. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)