
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Educational and theoretical activities in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are aimed at the intellectual development of students, expanding their worldview, which forms the level of their professional knowledge, aimed at the development and improvement of educational and practical activities-performing abilities and technical skills. But the question of creation is not quite acceptable. In this regard, our research is focused on the development of creative abilities of future choreographers in the educational system. The problem of the research was to reveal the essence, structure, principles and conditions for the development of creative abilities of students of choreographers, as well as to search for effective technologies for their improvement in the process of training in educational institution. Choreographic activity in the development of creative abilities of students is presented as a complex of complex socio-pedagogical phenomena and is a set of choreographic techniques and tools aimed at the formation and development of an integral personality of the student based on his creative abilities, interests, aptitudes, individual characteristics and choreographic abilities. For the successful development of students' creative abilities, it is necessary to use such activities as participation in creative competitions and festivals, master classes, and performances at a concert. Participation of students in them allows to deepen and systematize theoretical and practical knowledge of students, to form skills and abilities, using innovative methods for solving practical problems. Creative activity plays a special role in the development of students' creative abilities as a means of innovation.

About the Authors

S. Sh. Tleubayev
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University


B. S. Tleubayeva
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University


T. Zh. Klyshbaev
Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University



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For citations:

Tleubayev S.Sh., Tleubayeva B.S., Klyshbaev T.Zh. DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ABILITIES OF STUDENTS OF CHOREOGRAPHERS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(1):158-168. (In Kazakh)

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