
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The author of the text focuses on three productions staged at the Belarusian State Theatre-1 in the 1920s, at the beginning of the work of the theatre group, which was opened in 1920. The first artistic director was Florian Zhdanovich, and the second was Evstigney Mirovich, the first performance is “The Scattered Nest” (1913) by Yanka Kupala, the second is “Socialist-ess” (1924) by Tishka Hartny and “Twilight” (1927) by Vasily Shashalevich. The first two talk about the situation before the 1917 revolution, and the third after. The main subject of these three plays is the struggle for land in the Belarusian village in 10-20 years of the 20th century. The amount of land owned indicates a person’s well-being and social status. The authors of these dramas show how the Earth forms the character of a person and affects his decision, sometimes it even leads to murder.

About the Author

Andriej Moskwin
Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies University of Warsaw



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12. Moskwin Andriej, „Cienie” Franciszka Alachnowicza jako przykład dramatu realistyczno-symbolicznego [“Shadows” by Franciszek Alachnowicz as an example of a realistic-symbolic drama], „Rossica Olomucensia”. Tom LVIII, nr 1, Olomouc 2019, s. 55-65.

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For citations:

Moskwin A. IMAGES OF THE BELARUSIAN VILLAGE ON THE STAGE OF BELARUSIAN STATE THEATRE-1 (1920-1930). Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(4):197-205.

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