
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article describes a simple and fast way to multiply two-, three - and four-digit numbers for schoolchildren. Students who have mastered the traditional methods of multiplying numbers at school will learn how to quickly multiply using this non-traditional method. The method is aimed at developing computational and thinking abilities. Students acquire the skill of quick calculations in the mind. This method, according to the authors, encourages students to study and research.

About the Authors

Sh. Kali
Secondary school #135


R. Soltan
Specialized Gymnasium for gifted children named after Al Farabi with teaching in three languages

Almaty Oblast


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For citations:

Kali Sh., Soltan R. SIMPLE AND FAST MULTIPLICATION METHOD. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(3):73-80. (In Kazakh)

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