
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The basis of this article is the musical and epic heritage associated with the name of the legendary Korkut. It highlights the stages of mastering ancient legends, analyzes records and studies. All those changes that occur in connection with the entry of legends into the folklore process are singled out. The musical tunes attributed to Korkut are studied and critically analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the reliability of previously unknown musical primary sources that began to enter into scientific life. At the same time, the artistic features and scientific significance of these musical tunes are determined.

About the Author

T. A. Kongyratbay
M. Auezov Institute of literature and art



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For citations:

Kongyratbay T.A. HERMENEUTIC PROBLEMS OF RESEARCH OF MUSICAL HERITAGE OF KORKUT. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(2):207-216. (In Kazakh)

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