
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Urban ethics is the study of cities as moral subjects, and urban novels serve as a "mirror" of urban ethics. They have reflected and displayed a series of problems on the urban humanistic environment and value ethics since modern China. This article takes urban novels as the research object, conducts an in-depth analysis of the historical changes of Chinese urban ethics. The authors examine the complex living conditions, ethical characteristics, and social ethical issues in urban life of the country. The work provides an important basis for the development and progress of modern ethics.

About the Authors

Li Hanqiao
Hubei Second Normal University

Zhang Wenjun
Huazhong University of Science and Technology


1. Liang Qichao (1900) Young China. Published in Qingyi Bao (26th year of Guangxu).

2. Hu Shi (1996) Preface to Official Sites Preface. In "Hu Shiwen Cun" (Vol. 3), Huangshan Book Company, p.384

3. Li Jin (2002) Shanghai Style Novels and Modern Urban Culture. Anhui Education Press, p. 303.

4. Du Sujuan (2014) The Road of Citizens: Chinese Urban Ethics in Literature. Peking University Press, 1st edition, 147 p.

5. Wang Hui and Chen Yangu (ed.) (1998) Culture and Publicity. Sanlian Bookstore, p. 171.

6. See Du Sujuan (2014) The Road to Citizens: Chinese Urban Ethics in Literature. Peking University Press, p. 217.

7. Qiu Huadong (2014) Crazy City. Selected Collection of Qiu Huadong, Beijing Yanshan Publishing House, p. 162.


For citations:

Hanqiao L., Wenjun Zh. URBAN NOVELS AND CHANGES IN CHINESE URBAN ETHICS. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):78-82.

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