
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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This article discusses the problems that arise when positioning Japanese classical literature in a global perspective on the example of the first literary monument of Japan – "Kojiki, records of ancient deeds". The article discusses the problem of translation, which is caused by the specific structure of sentences in old Japanese and the use of words that have no analogues in European languages. The article also discusses the peculiarities of the methodology of literature research due to the difference in the scientific approach of the Japanese and European scientific worlds.

About the Author

M. M. Andassova
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages



1. 神野志隆光 Kōnoshi Takamitsu ed. and annot. Kojiki: Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshū 古事記 新編日本古典 文学全集, Shogakukan, 2017 [first edition: 1997], р. 107-108

2. Tetsuno Masahiro鉄野昌弘 “’Shinwa’ o Megutte” 『神語』をめぐって, Man’yoshu Kenkyū 万葉集研究, vol. 26, 2004, р. 85

3. Donald L. Philippi, trans. Kojiki. University of Tokyo Press, 1968, p. 133

4. Gustav Heldt, trans. The Kojiki. An account of ancient matters. Columbia University Press, 2014, p. 46.

5. Pinus E.M. Kojiki, Volume 1, Moscow, 1973, р. 42

6. 神野志隆光 Kōnoshi Takamitsu ed. and annot. Kojiki: Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshū 古事記 新編日本古典 文学全集, Shogakukan, 2017 [first edition: 1997] , р. 108

7. Miura Sukeyuki 三浦佑之 Kodai Joji Denshō no Kenkyū 古代叙事伝承の研究, Bensei Publishing, 1992, р. 95

8. Fujii Sadakazu 藤井貞和 Konihon-bungaku Hasseiron 古日本文学発生論, Shichosha, 1978, р. 68

9. Andassova Maral アンダソヴァ マラル “Kojiki to ‘Shamanism’—Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni to Meimei suru koto ni tsuite” 古事記と『シャーマニズム』-葦原中国と命名することについて. Nihon Bungaku 日本文学, vol. 64: issue 5, May 2015, р. 7

10. Donald L. Philippi, trans. Kojiki. University of Tokyo Press, 1968, p. 129–130

11. Gustav Heldt, trans. The Kojiki. An account of ancient matters. Columbia University Press, 2014, p. 46

12. Kōnoshi Takamitsu 神野志隆光 Kojiki no Sekaikan 古事記の世界観, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 1986, р. 58

13. Miyoshi Yukio 三好行雄 Sakuhinron no Kokoromi 作品論の試み, Shibundo, 1967, р. 76

14. Furuhashi Nobuyoshi 古橋信孝 “Kodai-Bungaku Kenkyū no <Hōhō>: Bungakushi e” 古代文学研究の<方法> : 文学 史へ. Nihon Bungaku 日本文学, vol. 59: issue 5, May 2010, р. 12

15. Konrad N. I. Japanese Literature: Examples and Commentaries, Leningrad, 1927, р. 65

16. Mikhail Bakhtin “Проблемы творчества Достоевского” (Japanese translation by Kuwano Takashi 桑野隆 ) Dostoevsky no Sōsaku no Mondaiドストエフスキーの創作の問題, Heibonsha, 2013, р. 49-64

17. Mitani Kuniaki 三谷邦明 Genji Monogatari no Gensetsu 源氏物語の言説, Kanrin Shobo, 2002, р. 35-38


For citations:

Andassova M.M. KOJIKI IN CLASSICAL JAPANESE LITERATURE - FROM PERSPECTIVES OF TRANSLATION AND APPROACHES. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):88-93.

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