
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows learners to engage actively in authentic and personally meaningful projects. Characteristically, a modern conception of High-Quality PBL requires the application of essential critical elements throughout the learning process, which involves students to employ special skills of planning, searching, managing, analyzing, selfmonitoring, and reflecting on their learning. Moreover, they need to take responsibility for evaluating the process while striving for specific quality demands of the end-product in the modern labor market. Therefore, it is significant to design the PBL learning environment to promote students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies. This paper describes the specific features of PBL as a learner-centered educational approach and its compliance and relationship between SRL to support learning in a self-regulated way and develop student responsibility in each stage of PBL.

About the Author

K. M. Smakova
Suleyman Demirel University



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For citations:

Smakova K.M. PROMOTION OF SELF-REGULATED LEARNING IN PROJECT-BASED APPROACH. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):106-112.

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