
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The given article is devoted to the issues of using podcasts in teaching listening comprehension to students of secondary schools and universities. The definition of the concepts of "podcast", "listening" are presented in the work, then the authors describe didactic properties and methodical functions of podcasts in teaching listening; they tried to consider the typology of texts for the development of students' listening skills; develop an algorithm for the development of students' speaking and listening skills on the basis of podcasts; propose a nomenclature of listening and speaking skills, developed by students on the basis of the use of podcasts in the study of a foreign language.

About the Authors

P. A. Kudabayev
Taraz State Pedagogical University


T. S. Satybaldieva
Taraz State Pedagogical University



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4. Yaman I. (2016) The Potential Benefits of Podcasts for Language Learning // Journal of educational and instructional studies in the world. Volume: 6. Issue: 1. P. 60

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For citations:

Kudabayev P.A., Satybaldieva T.S. PODCASTS IN AUDIOVISUAL TRAINING. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):120-125.

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