
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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This article is devoted to the study of self-organization of future primary education teachers’ educational activities. The study reveals the theoretical foundations of self-organization of students’ educational activities, examines various approaches of scientists to the concept of "self-organization of educational activities", describes this phenomenon from the point of view of pedagogical science, considers the pedagogical possibilities of the "time management" technology in the self-organization of future teachers’ educational activities. The author substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of the student's self-management. The self-organization of educational activities acts as an integrative quality of the student’s personality, the need for the formation of which is due to the socio-economic and educational systems. Time management technology is presented as an organization of the student’s life, aimed at the most rational planning of the learning process and professional development.

About the Author

Y. N. Agranovich
Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University



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For citations:

Agranovich Y.N. TIME MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY AS A MEANS OF SELF-ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):195-201. (In Russ.)

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