
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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THE CURRENT STATE OF EXISTENCE OF SONG FOLKLORE OF THE SOUTH-WEST OF ZHETYSU (based on materials from the 2018 folk expedition to the Merke district of the Zhambyl region)


Merke district is located in the foothills of the Kyrgyz Alatau and has common borders with the north of Kyrgyzstan, Chuisky, Moyynkumsky and Ryskulovsky districts of Zhambyl region. The preservation in this area of traditional types of farming and the patriarchal way of life in social relations, contribute to the functioning of ritual and, mainly, non-ritual household songs. Among the recorded samples there are songs that have become nationwide, as well as everyday songs whose audio recordings were not recorded by the previous generation of researchers. These include: “House-house”, “Diridan”, “Arba Keledi”, “Zhel sozdin danasymyn”, “Igauzhan”, “Uri-soқ”, “Nurlygayyn”, etc. The author draws attention to the songs performed by words of songs from other regions. There are examples in which, after the main parts of the song samples, not “their” refrains follow, but a completely new material. All songs recorded in the folk expedition are composed in a semi-strophic and full-strophic musical forms. Melodies and songs are mainly based on the frets of the diatonic and combined (diatonic-pentatonic) systems.

About the Author

B. Zh. Babizhan
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy; Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov


1. Елеманова С. (2000) Казахское традиционное песенное искусство. Алматы: Дайк-пресс. - 188 с.

2. Бәбіжан Б. (2002) Қазақтың жүз қара өлеңі. Алматы: Сорос-Қазақстан қоры. – 256 б.

3. Бекхожина Т. (1972) Қазақтың 200 әні: музыкалық-этнографиялық жинақ. Алматы. Ғылым. -232 б.

4. Гиппиус Е. (1982) Проблемы ареального исследования традиционной русской песни в областях украинского и белорусского пограничья// Традиционное музыкальное искусство и современность (вопросы типологии). Сб. трудов, вып.60. Отв.ред. Енговатова М.А. М.: ГМПИ им. Гнесиных. С.5-13

5. Байгаскина А. Е. (2003) Ритмика казахской традиционной песни. Издание 2-е. Алматы. – 204 с.


For citations:

Babizhan B.Zh. THE CURRENT STATE OF EXISTENCE OF SONG FOLKLORE OF THE SOUTH-WEST OF ZHETYSU (based on materials from the 2018 folk expedition to the Merke district of the Zhambyl region). Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):233-237. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)