
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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STAGE REPRESENTATION OF THE NOVEL «PIEBALD DOG RUNNING OVER THE SEA» (on the example of Berdakh Karadalpak State Academic Music and Drama Theater)


The scientific article analyzes the play «Piebald Dog Running Over the Sea» based on the novel of Kyrgyz writer Ch.Aitmatov in the repertoire of Berdakh Karadalpak State Academic Music and Drama Theater. Professionally versed in the artistic and creative searches of the young director M. Reimov, rationally using the stage space and actors like B.Nazarymbetov (Organ), K.Allanazarov (Emrayin), B.Maketbayev (Mylgun), G.Abatova (Kirisk), who portrayed psychological excitement of characters. The main goal of the research work is to determine the process by which the creative team displays on the stage a supernatural force between man and nature. In the article, the author comparatively analyzing the prosaic work and stage production professionally assesses the shortcomings. The researcher also highlights the relevance of the idea of S. Aitmatov, who conveyed through his significant images the national trait, traditions and rituals, in particular, a very dangerous hunting industry, traditionally passed down from generation to generation and the Nivkh people.

About the Author

Z. U. Islambayeva
Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K.Zhurgenov



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For citations:

Islambayeva Z.U. STAGE REPRESENTATION OF THE NOVEL «PIEBALD DOG RUNNING OVER THE SEA» (on the example of Berdakh Karadalpak State Academic Music and Drama Theater). Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2020;(1):265-269. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2306-5079 (Print)