
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The article presents the analysis of the solution of the problem of building educational reality for the purposes of formation of development strategies based on indicators of monitoring of education systems. First of all, it was necessary to form an array of key indicators as a predictive basis for determining the ways of strategic development of national education systems. To solve this problem, various methods were used: descriptive, comparative, temporal, correlation, prognostic, etc. As an example of the results, a table of composite indices with administrative levels of monitoring and strategic decision-making is presented. The model of global education 2030 is also described. The empirical part of the study is represented by: a) forecasts for the stages of education on the basis of monitoring of different types; b) categorization of monitoring indicators characterizing school teachers.

About the Authors

N. N. Naydenova
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute of strategy of development of education" Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Deputy head of the laboratory


I. M. Elkina
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute of strategy of development of education" Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation


E. V. Bebenina
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Institute of strategy of development of education" Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Naydenova N.N., Elkina I.M., Bebenina E.V. MONITORING OF EDUCATION AS A PROGNOSTIC BASIS FOR ITS STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2019;(4):196-203. (In Russ.)

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