
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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For the masters of modern art of Kazakhstan, along with the importance of samples of classical culture and discoveries of modernist art, Kazakh folk art is becoming a single field of tradition today. Intertextuality, constant dialogue with different layers of world and national painting and sculpture determine the search for new expressiveness in art. This article describes the role of intertextuality in the development of new forms of artistic statements, namely, as in the works of modern Kazakh sculptors (S.Bekbotayev, D.Sarbasov, Z.Kozhamkulov), jewelers (A.Mukazhanov), tapestry masters (A.Bapanov), the importance of the values of native culture as a space of cultural memory is preserved. Experiments with the material are perceived as a ritual, a creative act, a search for their own author's style, modern means of expression of the artist. It is shown that the danger of losing one's own national identity associated with the process of globalization explains the interest of the masters in the author's myth-making, designed to awaken the spiritual foundations of the nation in the minds of contemporaries. Through mechanical details, sculptors create new myths in order to streamline the ethical and psychological state of a modern person, while in the works of masters of decorative and applied art, bricolage is practiced as a combination of different materials and textures, meanings and images closest to the construction of a myth.

About the Authors

D. S. Sharipova
Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov

Dilyara S. Sharipova, Cand. Sc. Art History, senior researcher, associate professor


S. Zh. Kobzhanova
A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Svetlana Zh. Kobzhanova,  Cand. Sc. Art History, deputy director for research


A. B. Kenzhakulova
Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov

Ainur B. Kenzhakulova,  Researcher



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For citations:

Sharipova D.S., Kobzhanova S.Zh., Kenzhakulova A.B. INTERTEXTUALITY IN CONTEMPORARY ART OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE ASPECT OF CULTURAL MEMORY. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2021;(2):179-190. (In Russ.)

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