
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Formation of modern critical thinking in the young generation is of particular importance. Critical thinking is needed to make responsible decisions independently in emergency situations and predict their possible consequences. There is a lot of discussion around the critical thinking method, but the program offered by the School of Liberal Arts was actually implemented in a completely offline format for two years at the Kazakhstan higher education institution. The article is about the "Writing and Thinking" program used at "Narxoz" University, the impact of the program on the development of future competencies and creative qualities of students. A key component of teaching writing in “Writing and Thinking” is an innovative, student-centered experience that directly engages students in a variety of activities. In the process of mastering writing, students begin to express their thoughts correctly. The main goal of this program is to develop students' deep learning, writing works using different methods, and thus thinking skills. In the process of learning, students themselves simulate a complex situation, interact, in the proposed situations, do not perceive dialogue as a mandatory test of knowledge, begin to behave more freely and openly express their thoughts, overcoming the fear of mistakes.

About the Author

M. A. Mekebaeva
Narxoz University

Maigul A. Mekebaeva, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of the center for interdisciplinary education

050035, Almaty, Zhandosov St., 55


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For citations:

Mekebaeva M.A. EXPERIENCE IN THE FORMATION OF CRITICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS OF KAZAKH UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2022;(3):65-73. (In Kazakh)

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