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The symbol of the world tree in the ritual and everyday practice of the Kazakhs


The image of the world tree is universal in the mythology of the peoples of the world, it symbolizes the axis Mundi - the centre of the universe, the place of creation of space and time. This universal mythological symbol also carries the meaning of life and death. The concept of the world tree in various aspects of the traditions of the human life cycle has many meanings. From the cradle to the grave the «tree» accompanied the rites of the Kazakh people. In the cultural space of the Kazakh people, the world tree is a key element of the codification of traditional culture and is present in all layers of the traditional worldview. In the rites of the Kazakh people, the symbol of the world tree received an additional interpretation over time, losing its original meaning. Still, despite this, semantic analysis allows to reproduce of its original meaning and is considered a key element of the structure of the world. This article analyses the symbols of the world tree in the ritual-everyday practice of the Kazakh people with the help of structural-semiotic and comparative methods. The authors believe that the bakan, the hitching post and the ritual staff used in everyday life reflect the perception of the Kazakh people about the world tree not only as a sacral centre of the world but also as an ordering element of chaos.

About the Authors

D. K. Saikeneva
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Dinara K. Saikeneva - PhD, senior lecturer of Oriental studies department

Almaty, Muratbayev str., 200

A. B. Naurzbayeva
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy

Almira B. Naurzbayeva - Doctor of Philosophy, professor of Social and Humanitarian disciplines department
Almaty, 86 Abylaykhan st.

A. R. Khazbulatov
Kazakh Research Institute of Culture (CRIC)

Andrey R. Khazbulatov - PhD, Associate Professor, General director of the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture (CRIC)

Almaty, 35/23, Tole bi street


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For citations:

Saikeneva D.K., Naurzbayeva A.B., Khazbulatov A.R. The symbol of the world tree in the ritual and everyday practice of the Kazakhs. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2022;(4):6-16. (In Russ.)

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