
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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"I would take height, perseverance, seriousness from my native land" (about the lyrics of Baydilda Aidarbek)


The article provides a scientific analysis of the poems of the modern poet Baydilda Aidarbek, which have not yet received full recognition in Kazakhstan, but are well known on his land, in his area and recognized by local readers. The poet's creativity is being studied for the first time in Kazakhstan. The poet was born in the Suzak district of South Kazakhstan region. He was fond of writing poetry since childhood. The author showed interest in writing poems, songs, and dramatic works from school. He is the father of six children, a faithful husband, a wise teacher, a sincere poet. Along with poetry, he devoted his life to pedagogical work. Before retiring, he taught technical drawing and painting in various schools in his native district. Giving a description of the features of the poet's work, who loved his native land from childhood and dedicated his poems to it, the author of the article reverently quotes his poetic lines about his native nature, the landscapes of his native land, the depths of the history and human destinies. The author believes that the poet's deep and soulful lyrics should find their new researchers and grateful readers.

About the Author

K. A. Zhakibayeva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Kalipa A. Zhakibayeva - proofreader-specialist, Department of Monitoring of scientific publications

050000, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Googol St. 114, Building 1


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For citations:

Zhakibayeva K.A. "I would take height, perseverance, seriousness from my native land" (about the lyrics of Baydilda Aidarbek). Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2022;(4):27-38. (In Kazakh)

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