
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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The main means of criterion assessment and their implementation into the educational process


The modern updated education system requires new innovations, according to this phenomenon, objective, fair assessment based on predetermined standards (criteria) is gaining momentum. Criteria-based assessment in this perspective is a wonderful solution, since criteria-based assessment makes it possible to understand what is assessed in the student's work and how exactly it is assessed. Thus, the criterion assessment has become one of the components of an updated educational process, which is aimed at the development of students' educational and cognitive competence and at assessment, which is designated by certain criteria, without comparing students with each other. However, despite the variety of methods and tools that can demonstrate students' achievements in various areas of development, traditional assessment, in which there are no clear and understandable criteria for evaluating the achievement of planned learning outcomes, has not gone into oblivion and is still actively used by many teachers in educational institutions. This article demonstrates a number of tools that can be used in criteria-based assessment, their main goals, as well as their contents. These tools are aimed at developing critical, creative, and communicative skills of students that are necessary in the modern world.

About the Authors

A. M. Aliyeva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Aigerim M. Aliyeva - 2nd year Master's student of the Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Philology, 


050010, Dostyk av., 13

G. O. Seydalieva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Guldana O. Seydalieva - PhD, acting Associate Professor


050010, Dostyk av., 13


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For citations:

Aliyeva A.M., Seydalieva G.O. The main means of criterion assessment and their implementation into the educational process. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2022;(4):48-62. (In Kazakh)

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