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Formation and development music professional education in Yakutia (review of the 100th anniversary of the republic and comparative analysis of piano cultures with China)


In 2022 Yakutia celebrated the 100th anniversary of its formation. The article gives a brief overview of the development of professional music education in Yakutia from the origins to the formation of higher educational institutions in the field of music. The history of the oldest educational institutions of the republic is given; the first Republican music school, the Yakut Music College (college). In Yakutia, the starting point of the third stage of piano education was 1993, when the Higher School of Music of the RS (Ya) was opened - an educational institution with a three-stage system of education - primary, secondary and higher. This marks a qualitative leap in the system of music education: for the first time in Yakutia, the training of highly qualified musicians has begun. The main emphasis in the article is on the disclosure of the multifaceted activities of the HSM, which created a new cultural and spiritual environment by organizing an intensive musical life in the republic. The author gives examples of the fact that the competitiveness of HSM graduates is confirmed by their demand abroad. The second part of the article examines the common features of the development of young piano cultures of Yakutia and China. A brief overview of the origin and formation of the piano art of the two countries is presented. Both national piano cultures were formed as a result of the adaptation of the European musical model to their non-European national culture. At the same time, the priority orientation to the development of European piano art did not lead to the loss of national identity.

About the Author

A. V. Varlamova
Higher School of Music of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Institute) named after V.A. Bosikov
Russian Federation

Aleksandra V. Varlamova - Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, Higher School of Music of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Sakha Republic, 677911, Yakutsk, 16 km of Pokrovsky Highway, 2


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For citations:

Varlamova A.V. Formation and development music professional education in Yakutia (review of the 100th anniversary of the republic and comparative analysis of piano cultures with China). Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(1):46-59. (In Russ.)

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