
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Application of game technologies in mathematics lessons in inclusive education


Inclusive mathematics education creates new challenges not only for students but also for teachers. Therefore, the article studies the possibilities of using game technologies in teaching of Mathematics for the 5th grade in an inclusive education. The problems of inclusive education in the UK, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are differentiated; the offers and methods used in these countries are studied and analyzed. The research was conducted during the lessons for a 5th grade's learner with special needs studying at home in a rural school. It is aimed at awakening of the desire to education for learners with special needs. Difficulties arising in the teaching of Mathematics are identified, effective teaching technologies are selected, and tasks are systematized. The preparation of tasks in an interesting form with using of innovative technologies, such as game technologies, develops the thinking and creative abilities of the learners has been established. In this study, the pedagogical, psychological, and methodological problems and offers for their solution given in foreign and domestic scientific articles, textbooks were used. The conclusions drawn based on the results obtained are aimed as a methodological recommendation to eliminate the difficulties that teachers faced in teaching mathematics to learners with special needs who are home-schooled in rural areas.

About the Authors

B. Zh. Omarovа
K. Zhubanov Aktobe regional university

Bibigul Zh. Omarovа – PhD.

Aktobe, 030000, A. Moldagulova Ave. 34

S. Maratkyzy
K. Zhubanov Aktobe regional university

Saltanat Maratkyzy – 2nd year master's student in the specialty 7M01501-Mathematics.

Aktobe, 030000, A. Moldagulova Ave. 34


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For citations:

Omarovа B.Zh., Maratkyzy S. Application of game technologies in mathematics lessons in inclusive education. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(1):76-88. (In Kazakh)

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