
Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

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Ways of improving listening skills in Chinese


The study of Chinese as a foreign language, the formation of foreign language communicative competence in Chinese is a key direction of the modern paradigm of foreign language education based on foreign language competencies. The acquisition of a foreign language is carried out through the types of speech activity. Listening is the most difficult type of speech activity that must be perceived when mastering the Chinese language due to its inherent features. That is why the purpose of our research article was to identify the most common mistakes in learning Chinese, work to eliminate them, identify the approaches used. To achieve this goal and determine the effectiveness of the methods used, experimental work was carried out with students studying Chinese as a foreign language using the numerical research method. According to the results of our research, mistakes made during the hearings are also allowed during pronunciation, and vice versa, mistakes made by students with correct pronunciation lead to their misunderstanding of these sounds during the hearings, in addition, mistakes made during the hearings are systematized, ways of solving them are proposed and according to the methods used, students of the experimental group they showed a higher indicator than the students of the control group.

About the Authors

G. A. Seitova
Abylai Khan Kazakh UIRandWL

Сеитова Гаухар Аманжоловна – докторант.

Алматы қ., Мұратбаев к-сі, 200

K. U. Kunakova
Abylai Khan Kazakh UIRandWL

Кунакова Клара Умирзаковна –педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор.

Алматы қ., Мұратбаев к-сі, 200

A. B. Musina
Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata

Мусина Асель Бектаевна – педагогика ғылымдарының магистрі, оқытушы.

Әйтеке би к-сі, 29 А


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For citations:

Seitova G.A., Kunakova K.U., Musina A.B. Ways of improving listening skills in Chinese. Bulletin of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. 2023;(1):89-99. (In Kazakh)

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